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  • Writer's picturexarah v

Updated: May 14, 2020

this week kicks off with a square between venus and neptune on sunday, may 3rd. this aspect can have us feeling ambiguous, murky, or disconnected from our relationships and resources. several aspects i covered in the last horoscope inspired a similar seeking and uncertainty, but in the context of venus and neptune, this obstacle to connection is really only an obstacle to connection in the material world. neptune reminds us that without the intangible, the felt, the indescribably and viscerally experienced, material connections have no inherent meaning or value. try to notice the ways in which your connections in the material suffer from the under-emphasis of the emotional, spiritual, or otherwise intangible.

on monday the 4th, mercury joins the sun in taurus, bringing with it all the frenetic energy from it’s conjunction with uranus on april 30th. anytime mercury forms a conjunction with the sun, it’s helpful to notice when you have difficulty separating your sense of self from your train of thought. we’re very likely to feel mental unrest, like our thoughts are fueled by nervous energy. this is so immersive and activating that it can become a struggle to distinguish between the stream of thoughts, and your identity as the observer of those thoughts. working with mindfulness meditation and DBT techniques can be very useful for managing overwhelming internal experiences like these.

the full moon in scorpio occurs on thursday the 7th, featuring a sextile between mercury and neptune in addition to the aspects named above. between racing minds and a listless disconnect from the material, there’s potential to find a scrap of mental clarity while cast adrift in neptune’s nebulous blob energy. try using verbal information through reading, writing, and/or communication to contextualize what’s happening on an emotional, intuitive, spiritual, energetic, non-corporeal level.

mercury moves on to form a trine to pluto on saturday the 9th. the mental shift we went through last month is paying off, and that looks like a new way of thinking and communicating that is compatible with an environment of upheaval and change. this compatibility is restated by the trine between mercury and jupiter the next day (the 10th,) when the compatibility of circumstance and perspective translates to effective movement and growth.

also on sunday the 10th, saturn stations retrograde. this happens every year for about four months, and like i discussed in the last horoscope, planets in retrograde motion instigate essential retrospection. in the context of saturn, that looks like revisiting both our embodiment of and relationship to: inhibitions, self-discipline, structure, authority, social status, and control. this retrograde period is the final review of what we’ve learned about those themes since december 2017 when saturn first moved into capricorn, holding space for us to integrate those experiences and lessons into a stabilizing foundation. this will be invaluable in the radical self-discovery to come next year when saturn moves through aquarius.

the following monday the 11th, mercury moves into gemini. our cerebral preoccupations with materialism shift to center the local circulation of information: communication within communities. on the 12th, mercury forms a trine with saturn. the flow established between our new mentality and the shifting world allows us to effectively think within the framework of present circumstances. also on the 12th, mars moves into pisces, shifting our motives from objective intellectualism to impressionable, emotional, and intuitive subjectivity.

all this leads up to wednesday the 13th when venus stations retrograde, with jupiter following suit on the 14th. venus’ retrograde periods occur every year and a half, as an invitation to revisit and renegotiate our values, resources, and relationships. with venus in gemini, this investigation happens around communication and participation with local community. how do your exchanges with siblings, neighbors, and extended family shape your perspective of what has value? how is their perception of what you value shaped by the way you communicate? how might you re-associate with more intention and authenticity?

jupiter, like saturn, stations retrograde roughly four months out of every year, facilitating a peroid of re-evaluation and re-association with strategies for personal and collective growth and adaptation. in capricorn, that looks like examining how themes of inhibition, self-discipline, structure, authority, social status, and control are manifesting in the context of personal and collective development. how are we restricted by the ways we embody these themes? how can we navigate them with more circulation and elasticity?

lastly, we’ve got a sun/pluto trine on friday the 15th. new flow between identity and collective chaos reforges a sense of self in the wake of pluto's demolition. you realize that you are an irrevocably different person than you were in february, a truth that bridges the gap between who you knew yourself to be, and who you have become in surviving these tumultuous times.

if you enjoyed this horoscope, please join me for the next one may 17th all about the new moon in gemini. as always, you can contact me on any platform for more information about tarot readings and personalized astrology reports. you can also tip me via:

cashapp: $rudemoon

venmo: @rudemoon


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  • Writer's picturexarah v

on sunday the 19th we welcome taurus season, when the investigation of identity sparked in aries season re-centers around our material circumstances. tuesday the 21st, the sun squares saturn in aquarius. this aspect brings up restriction around security, feeling like safety can (1) only be found in the material and (2) only at the expense of personal freedom. start a practice of noticing when you're being motivated by these un-truths.

the new moon in taurus occurs wednesday the 22nd, on it's way to a conjunction with uranus. our motivations around value that were challenged by the mars/uranus square from the 7th now manifest as radical change to our sense of self in the context of those values. when this change occurs intentionally, it can look like taking action towards security that's both sustainable to you and considerate towards others. this is not the time to be disassociated from your sense of self, and it is so important to also bear witness to what motivates your actions and reactions. that is because when this kind of personal change occurs unintentionally, and you turn away from why it's happening, you're likely to act in ways that are unsustainable. what that typically looks like is "nothing comes in, nothing goes out." sure that may protect you at first, but long term it builds a wall between you and everything you don't already have, effectively cutting you off from any new tools, techniques, and information. the key to this new moon is receptivity to change, and remembering that true security does not come at the expense of others. this new moon cycle is about exploring what security with integrity looks like for you.

you can look at the astrological relationships that occur in the waxing moon cycle (the weeks between the new and full moon) as sort of step by step directions to grow and manifest from the seed of intention sowed at the new moon. this week, our first step is a square between mercury and pluto on saturday the 25th. we're beginning to feel conflict between how we previously thought about things, and how current circumstances have changed the way we think. our mental paradigms are no longer compatible with the kinds of experiences we are having. this is a profound revelation, and has the potential to feel very freeing, terrifyingly unceartain, or somewhere in between depending on how comfortable and quick you are with change. either way, this square prompts you to pay attention to the ways in which your patterns of thought have become incompatible with what we all are living through. this information sets the stage for reevaluation, reorientation, and reassociation.

speaking of "re-", pluto stations retrograde also on the 25th. this means that from the perspective of earth, pluto's orbit appears to have halted, and will slowly retrace its path through the sky backwards. all the astrological planets, mercury through pluto, have retrograde periods. retrograde motion effects how the themes associated with the planets are expressed and experienced, and you can understand that effect through considering the prefix "re-." bear with me. the prefix "re-" is used to indicate repitition, withdrawal, and/or backward motion. take a moment to think about all the different examples of words that use the "re-" prefix (here's a comprehensive list just for shits and giggles.) peroids of retrograde motion are the planets' way of prompting you to "re-______" around the planet's respective themes. pluto stationing retrograde in capricorn shines the "re-" spotlight on unavoidable, deepest of the deep, fundamental transmutations of societal structure, particularly within hierarchies of power and control. from the 25th, until october 4th at the end of pluto's retrograde period, is an opportunity to reevaluate where you are within those societal structures, and re-associate (or reject) in ways that are more authentic to you.

the last aspect on the 25th is mercury forming a square to jupiter. this has a similar effect as the mercury/pluto square, but takes it a step further. not only are old thought patterns incompatible with the change we're all experiencing, but they're also in direct conflict with the movement and growth that is nesessary to survive and thrive in the wake of this change. change is always inevitable, but when it becomes something that you do, it is no longer something that happens to you.

moving on to the rest of the week, the sun/uranus union we peeped in the new moon chart will exact on sunday the 26th. you can expect the themes i talked about earlier, but the most useful thing you can do whenever uranus is involved is expect the unexpected. uranus' energy is like lighting: unpredictable, unstoppable, irrevocable change in an instant. when that energy combines with our sense of self and safety, there's no limit to what the results might look like. i urge you to resist acting in ways motivated by defensiveness and fear (i'm looking at you too, anger.) if that means taking no action at all, making that choice still reclaims your agency, allowing you to participate in your life in ways that are on purpose.

on monday the 27th, mercury moves into taurus, shifting our mental focus from who we are, to what we have. we've already established that old thought patterns are now incompatible and an obstacle to adaptation. the mercury/saturn square on the 28th allows us to make that information actionable. how? by showing us the ways in which those thought patterns operate on the premise that safety can (1) only be found in the material and (2) only at the expense of personal freedom. sound familiar? that's because witnessing the ways in which our thoughts are structured by these un-truths is the final piece of the puzzle.

every step of this new moon cycle is leading up to a radical change in the way we think, culminating with the mercury/uranus conjunction on the 30th whether we like it or not. how will you choose to participate?

if you enjoyed this horoscope, join me may 3rd for the next one all about the full moon in scorpio. as always, you can contact me on any platform for more information about tarot readings and personalized astrology reports.

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  • Writer's picturexarah v

Updated: Apr 19, 2020

the full moon in libra occured last tuesday, april 7th. there’s a full moon in libra every year during aries season, and its a time when our needs around independence illuminate the emotional landscape of our one on one connections. this particular full moon was unique in that it was heavily influenced by a couple of outer planet aspects.

one of those aspects was the culmination of the mars/uranus square, also on the 7th, that'd been building up since mars moved into aquarius on the 30th. uranus brings about sweeping change, and in taurus that looks like the gradual evolution of our relationship to our values. mars in the sign of aquarius challenges our motivations around value. are we letting the ends justify the means in our pursuit of resource security? how can we take action that sustainably centers ourselves, action that's not at the expense of others?

also in this chart is the union of jupiter/pluto that occured on the 4th, forming a sextile to watery mercury in pisces. in the wake pluto's incredible upheaval, jupiter in capricorn is brutal and methodical in its work of reestablishing societal foundations. the sextile to mercury is this little opportunity nestled in that work to incorporate intuition, imagination, and emotional community into the process. however, the opportunities presented by sextiles require both your awareness of them and your active participation in their realization. sextiles do not effect you unless you activate them with intention.

the last feature of the full moon chart i’ll mention is the sextile between mars and chiron. it's a comparatively small aspect, but has potential for actionable self-healing. we're collectively experiencing a lot more stress than normal, and being isolated from others at the same time confronts us with our own activated coping mechanisms. this feels very unpleasant, but it's also an opportunity to understand and adapt those mechanisms. we do this by observing how our actions are centered around how we believe we are supposed to feel. when we choose instead to explore the truth of our feelings, without judgement, we gain access to agency in the present moment. nobody decides how they feel, but we all have choice around how we respond to those feelings.

as for the rest of the week, on friday the 10th, mercury moved into aries on it's way to a conjunction with chiron. before that though, we have a sun square pluto today, tuesday the 14th. deeply transformative events are challenging our autonomy and relationship to ourselves. the mars/chiron sextile from the full moon chart will give you a head start on addressing the themes that will come up with this aspect: compassionate understanding and integration of all parts of ourselves allowing us to access more vitality and strength in current uncertainty.

mercury's conjunction with chiron on wednesday the 15th brings clarification to how we think about our self-worth and our relationship to personal power. if we're doing the integrative work i've described, we will start to see the payoff in our fledgling ability to both organize our thoughts in this new way and communicate what we're learning to other people. if we're not doing the work, unfortunately this aspect can feel a lot like a festering wound. If you feel like you’re festering, that’s okay. gently acknowledge, accept, and redirect. maybe that looks like deep soul work and an existential breakthrough, or maybe it looks like deleting all your social media apps and eating a pint of ice cream wrapped in a blanket. either way, you're reclaiming your choice to treat yourself in a way that is sustainable.

If you enjoyed this horoscope, i hope you’ll join me this weekend for the next horoscope all about the upcoming new moon in taurus. you can also contact me on any platform for more information about tarot readings and personalized astrology reports.

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