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  • Writer's picturexarah v

4/7-17/2020 horoscope: libra full moon

Updated: Apr 19, 2020

the full moon in libra occured last tuesday, april 7th. there’s a full moon in libra every year during aries season, and its a time when our needs around independence illuminate the emotional landscape of our one on one connections. this particular full moon was unique in that it was heavily influenced by a couple of outer planet aspects.

one of those aspects was the culmination of the mars/uranus square, also on the 7th, that'd been building up since mars moved into aquarius on the 30th. uranus brings about sweeping change, and in taurus that looks like the gradual evolution of our relationship to our values. mars in the sign of aquarius challenges our motivations around value. are we letting the ends justify the means in our pursuit of resource security? how can we take action that sustainably centers ourselves, action that's not at the expense of others?

also in this chart is the union of jupiter/pluto that occured on the 4th, forming a sextile to watery mercury in pisces. in the wake pluto's incredible upheaval, jupiter in capricorn is brutal and methodical in its work of reestablishing societal foundations. the sextile to mercury is this little opportunity nestled in that work to incorporate intuition, imagination, and emotional community into the process. however, the opportunities presented by sextiles require both your awareness of them and your active participation in their realization. sextiles do not effect you unless you activate them with intention.

the last feature of the full moon chart i’ll mention is the sextile between mars and chiron. it's a comparatively small aspect, but has potential for actionable self-healing. we're collectively experiencing a lot more stress than normal, and being isolated from others at the same time confronts us with our own activated coping mechanisms. this feels very unpleasant, but it's also an opportunity to understand and adapt those mechanisms. we do this by observing how our actions are centered around how we believe we are supposed to feel. when we choose instead to explore the truth of our feelings, without judgement, we gain access to agency in the present moment. nobody decides how they feel, but we all have choice around how we respond to those feelings.

as for the rest of the week, on friday the 10th, mercury moved into aries on it's way to a conjunction with chiron. before that though, we have a sun square pluto today, tuesday the 14th. deeply transformative events are challenging our autonomy and relationship to ourselves. the mars/chiron sextile from the full moon chart will give you a head start on addressing the themes that will come up with this aspect: compassionate understanding and integration of all parts of ourselves allowing us to access more vitality and strength in current uncertainty.

mercury's conjunction with chiron on wednesday the 15th brings clarification to how we think about our self-worth and our relationship to personal power. if we're doing the integrative work i've described, we will start to see the payoff in our fledgling ability to both organize our thoughts in this new way and communicate what we're learning to other people. if we're not doing the work, unfortunately this aspect can feel a lot like a festering wound. If you feel like you’re festering, that’s okay. gently acknowledge, accept, and redirect. maybe that looks like deep soul work and an existential breakthrough, or maybe it looks like deleting all your social media apps and eating a pint of ice cream wrapped in a blanket. either way, you're reclaiming your choice to treat yourself in a way that is sustainable.

If you enjoyed this horoscope, i hope you’ll join me this weekend for the next horoscope all about the upcoming new moon in taurus. you can also contact me on any platform for more information about tarot readings and personalized astrology reports.

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