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  • Writer's picturexarah v

on thursday the 18th, mercury stations retrograde in cancer. from now until july 12th, we’re called to review how we think and communicate around our homes and both found and hereditary family. also on the 18th, mars forms a sextile to pluto, imbuing the upcoming mercury retrograde with potential at the junction of subjective emotional motivation and the present collective transmutation. staying clear about our authentic desires and motivations allows us to access and influence societal change.

this access becomes especially useful on saturday the 20th when mars moves to sextile jupiter, providing an opportunity for growth and momentum in the context of our emotional desires (assuming we’ve done the work of clarifying our intentions). like all sextiles, their effects are only felt when you either purposefully take advantage of them, or they form an aspect to something in your own birth chart.

the summer solstice, marked by the sun’s shift from gemini into cancer, also falls on the 20th. in the northern hemisphere, gemini season corresponds with the transition between spring and summer. it’s energy is embodied by the diversification and multiplicity of the natural world, and for people, that looks like centering community, communication, and the local circulation of information. cancer season means summer is here, and with it a re-centering of circumstances to focus on our families and life at home. in this way, the solar cycle acts as an annual self-inquiry: who are you in these contexts, and how does that evolve from year to year?

the cancer new moon on sunday the 21st is described by mars’ sextiles to both pluto and jupiter. this extends their aforementioned potential for growth and transformation (granted there’s clarity around our subjective emotional desires and motivations) until the next new moon on july 20th. this new moon chart is also influenced by the upcoming jupiter/pluto conjunction, exact on the 30th, which i’ll cover in the next horoscope.

neptune stations retrograde on monday the 22nd, lasting through the 28th of november. before you panic, neptune does this for about half of every year. this period indicates a cycle of re-assessing and re-associating with our connections to the spiritual collective: maybe god, the divine, spirit, the universe, nature, ancestors, or a less enigmatic equivalent. regardless of what that connection looks like to you, it can be described as an intangible, felt experience of participation in something bigger than your individual self. neptune in retrograde motion is a time to reflect, commune, and evolve in this spiritual context.

venus’ retrograde is over on thursday the 25th, completing a cycle of re-hashing values, resources, and relationships involving community and locally circulating information. all the lessons we’ve learned since may 13th through intro/retro-spection become actionable, and we may begin grounding our new priorities and beliefs by living in integrity with them.

lastly, mars moves into aries on saturday the 27th. after its truly climactic conjunction with neptune on the 13th characterized by overwhelming emotion, anxiety, and uncertainty, focus shifting away from felt experiences can seem like a relief. however, where subjectivity was once tempered by compassion, its sudden absence can lead to some poorly thought out and self centric behavior. just because you don’t feel bad about something now doesn’t mean you won’t later, and your strongest impulse is not always the most effective action to take. like always, practicing self-awareness gives you more access to authenticity. keep practicing.

if you enjoyed this horoscope, please join me june 28th for the next one about the full moon in capricorn. as always, you can contact me on any platform for more information about tarot readings and personalized astrology lessons or reports. you can also tip me via:

cashapp: $rudemoon

venmo: @rudemoon


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the first aspect this week is a square between venus and mars on tuesday, june 2nd. the work of this venus retrograde period is taking stock of our habits around communication, in the context of our values and within our relationships. with this aspect, this process is now at odds with our subjective and emotionally based motivations. introspectively gathering information becomes an obstacle to what we desire. exercising patience and forethought is key to tempering impulsiveness at this time.

on wednesday the 3rd, the sun joins venus in gemini. our sense of personal identity intertwines with the retrospective work we’ve been doing around communication. the square to mars still in effect indicates the more impulsive actions we take that are out of integrity with who we are and what we care about, the less access we have to our authentic selves. this brings confusion to any of our attempts to reach understanding through verbal connection. the work here is to find ways to honor our emotional motivations that don’t undermine who we are, and what we think is important.

the sagittarius full moon occurs on friday the 5th. in addition to the aforementioned aspects, this full moon chart also features two from mercury: a square to chiron, and a sextile to uranus. these two aspects together suggest the potential for unexpected communication or information about trauma or wounding at home or with family. this can look like verbal conflict, or a healing conversation. either way, our words to our families and within our homes carry enormous and unpredictable impact now, as well as through the next lunar cycle.

the sun forms a square with mars on saturday the 6th, again bringing emotional impulse into conflict with personal identity. in the context of the current venus retrograde, this aspect provides useful information about how we compromise ourselves when motivated by emotion. what have you sacrificed in the name of emotional connections? at what point did you leave yourself behind?

after all the excitement in the first week of june, the next aspect doesn’t occur until thursday the 11th when the sun forms a square to neptune. the information about ourselves we’ve been trying to organize and communicate is scattered by the foggy emotional collective. we’re all feeling anxious because trying to access our individuality feels like wading through mud. however, this obstacle is an essential tool in order to distinguish between empathy and personal experience.

also on the 11th, venus forms a sextile to chiron. our venus retrograde refresher on communicating about values and within relationships becomes an opportunity to gain insight on our personal trauma or wounding. but like any sextile, this opportunity is not inherent, but a product of active participation and intention. prioritizing our introspective work allows us to distinguish our individual selves from our empathetic, collective experiences.

the final aspect in this horoscope is made by mars as it forms a conjunction to neptune on saturday the 13th. our already emotionally biased motivations are clouded by an overwhelming connection to the felt experiences of the collective. our actions and intentions become scattered, succumbing to a nebulous anxiety around our emotional connections in and to our communities. that is, unless we’ve taken advantage of the potential insight from the sun/neptune square earlier in the week. the discernment we (hopefully) exercised through that aspect makes it possible for us to sort out our personal felt experience from our empathetic connection to the collective experience. this allows us to mobilize our energies while maintaining that empathetic connection to the collective.

if you enjoyed this horoscope, please join me june 14th for the next one about the new moon in cancer. as always, you can contact me on any platform for more information about tarot readings and personalized astrology lessons or reports. you can also tip me via:

cashapp: $rudemoon

venmo: @rudemoon


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  • Writer's picturexarah v

on sunday the 17th, the sun forms a trine with jupiter. we’ve acclimated to our new sense of self within the chaos and transformation, and that translates to more room for growth. we can begin to redefine what progress looks like in the context of our new identities and the new world.

we bid farewell to taurus season on wednesday the 20th when the sun moves into gemini. our focus is shifting from how to embody our new selves, to how to communicate and connect that self with the people around us: extended family, neighbors, any local community of which you are a part.

also on the 20th, venus forms a square to neptune. this aspect first occurred on the 3rd (which i mentioned in my last horoscope,) and repeats due to venus’ retrograde motion. the reiteration of this aspect invites us to re-examine the ways our insular focus on the material disconnects us from the true, intangible value of our relationships and resources: feeling joy, connection, and security. unfortunately, continuing to center the material at this time and not meeting these relational needs has the potential to trigger anxiety as well as addictive or dissociative behavior. creating or consuming any form of art is a great way to self-soothe at this time.

the new moon in gemini occurs friday the 22nd with the venus/neptune square still in effect, as well as a mercury/venus conjunction. our thoughts and cerebral functions are preoccupied by this conflict between the physical and the felt. hopefully that looks like getting a little mental clarity, but more likely it looks like a cognitive bias to patterns of anxiety and addictive or dissociative behavior. again, this is a great time to self-soothe through art, particularly verbal arts (reading, writing, podcasts, poetry, music with good lyrics, etc.)

arguably the most poignant aspect during this new moon is the trine between the new moon and saturn. each new moon sows seeds of intention for the next full moon, but each new moon also sets intentions for the next six months, until the next full moon in the same sign. the trine to saturn sets the stage for reviewing and planning the radicalization of social structures, culminating into a blueprint at the gemini full moon on november 30th.

the final aspect in the new moon chart is a sextile between mars and uranus, exact on the 25th. in the coming six months, we’ll encounter opportunities to use our felt experience of sudden upheaval to focus and motivate our efforts. honoring our subjective perception directly connects us to what is and isn’t personally helpful or effective.

when mercury moves into cancer on thursday the 28th, our mental focus on social connection and the exchange of information shifts to our chosen families and domestic environment.

finally, on the 29th, the sun forms a sextile to chiron. not the most impactful aspect by itself, but worth mentioning for the opportunity to unpack the way our trauma and deepest wounds impact our definition of self, and the function of that self in the world at large.

if you enjoyed this horoscope, please join me may 31st for the next one about the sagittarius full moon. as always, you can contact me on any platform for more information about tarot readings and personalized astrology lessons and reports. you can also tip me via:

cashapp: $rudemoon

venmo: @rudemoon


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